Tata Pad connects to the smartphone app via bluetooth and can be shared by up to 3 users.
Thanks to its capacitive sensors it automatically detects the presence of the child in the seat and alerts the parent through 3 different alarm levels.
The alarms go off as soon as the parent leaves the car with the smartphone, leaving the child inside.
How the alarm mechanism works
When the child is in the vehicle and you get out with your smartphone, you will receive a disconnection notification after a few metres because you will be out of the bluetooth range while the child has remained inside.
The sending of this notification does not yet generate an alarm status but warns you that from this moment you have 3 minutes to be able to carry out activities such as refuelling or unloading shopping bags with total calm before receiving the alarms.
1st LEVEL ALARM: Sound and visual notification on the smartphone
If you have not returned to the car after 3 minutes you will receive an audible alarm for 30 seconds that will sound even if you have the smartphone on silent.
To deactivate the alarm, simply open the app and press the "Stop alarm" button.
2nd LEVEL ALARM: Call fromour virtual switchboard to your smartphone
If you do not deactivate the 1st level audible alarm then an automatic emergency call will come from Tata Brain® (the virtual switchboard from which the calls originate) to your number.
Follow the instructions of the recorded voice to confirm that everything is under control.
If you are unable to answer our call, we will automatically call your emergency contacts one at a time.
Contacts can:
- disable the alarm by following the instructions of the recorded voice to confirm that everything is under control;
- request to receive a text message with the GPS indicating the place where you parked the car before leaving.
N.B: Calls and text messages are not sent from Tata Pad or from your smartphone, but from the virtual switchboard to which the app is connected. Both the calls and text messages are free of charge.